Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thank You!

Hello Everyone!

I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me and everyone who supported me! Earlier today, I was elected Governor of Southeast JSA with 80% of the total votes cast. 

As you can imagine, I'm immensely excited for next year and what we're going to see happen in JSA. I've already begun work on assembling the cabinet that will support me throughout the year.

I would like to thank my chapter members, who supported me, several girls from the Benjamin School who were of great help in distributing my campaign materials, my father, Tim, who helped my print out 200 fliers, and finally, my opponent, Niko Tzoumas, who made winning the dance competition, if not the election, easy for me.

I would also like to congratulate Jared Oddessky, who was elected Lieutenant Governor and who I look forward to working with next year. 

Thanks everyone!

~TS Allen
Governor-Elect, Southeast JSA

Thank You!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A plan for expansion, improvement, and success!






My five programs, as outlined below, are all designed to help improve JSA. Each will work in a different way, and each is individually necessary and designed as a stand-alone program. But, when all of the programs are implemented when I am elected, they will complement each other well, as explained in the chart.

Program One: Expansion and Statehood

Southeast JSA has only been a territory for a few years. The state of Florida and its school-age population absolutely have the capacity to support a JSA state, but that hasn’t happened yet. I promise to lead Southeast JSA into statehood. While the title itself is basically symbolic, it symbolizes an increase in the number of chapters under the organization and also an increase in activity in those chapters. It is my firm belief that by working toward statehood we can greatly enhance Southeast JSA.


Program Two: Minicon Support

The minicon is a useful tool for the Junior State of America. I plan on promoting what I call expansion minicons. I will expand JSA using expansion minicons, planned and organized by willing chapter leadership and with as much assistance as I can provide, that will help explain the organization to students from schools that don’t yet have JSA chapters, to prospective new members or chapter founders, and also give a taste of what our actual conventions are like. After attending these expansion minicons, students not yet in JSA will become interested, and hopefully form new chapters and thus expand the organization.


Program Three: Expansion of Activism

I will encourage activism in all JSA chapters. Activism is a way to increase the standing of JSA on campus and to attract recruits. An important part of our organization, it is also noble for us to support causes we believe in. JSA is a

state-wide organization that has chapters in most areas of the state. By distributing petitions to individual JSA chapters, JSA members who chose to support these petitions can become active in their government and also support causes they believe in. We will select and distribute petitions within the nonpartisan spirit of JSA.


Program Four: Convention Preparedness

I will use the minicon as a tool for convention preparedness. Minicons will be encouraged to use proper moderating procedures to train moderators for conventions. I will do all that is possible to provide a cabinet member to minicons to help explain moderating procedures. I will encourage cabinet members to attend and will attend as many as possible myself.


Program Five: Internet Infrastructure

Southeast JSA has a limited budget for communications. Luckily, in the modern world, any human can sit atop a powerful telecommunications network. I intend to bring Southeast JSA in to the modern era, making our leadership easy to contact, as they should be in any small organization, unifying our membership, and promoting discussion among leaders and members. With this program, JSA leaders will listen more to the membership and be more responsive to the popular will. The Southeast JSA website will have its content improved and expanded under my leadership.

Current Posters

Old-School Logo

Cool, Modernist Poster

Platform Conclusion

These five programs are my creations. They are based on my own ideas and what I’ve heard at conventions, my discussions with you the members, my discussions with teachers, chapter presidents, and state governors. They are my creation, but they are our vision. They are my distillation of what I’ve heard others say. And in order to make sure that they stay this way, one of my programs is designed to keep me and my cabinet listening to what you have to say, to keep your vision from becoming just my vision.